Use "did whatever he could|do whatever he can" in a sentence

1. He did whatever he could to ease their travail.

2. He had girls, could do whatever he wanted and he was a Bricklayer, so I decided to

3. I'm letting him do whatever he wants.

4. Gallagher understood that, whatever he did, he would violate his principles.

5. Remember what happened, whatever he could melt steel,

6. We will do whatever we can to give Lord Frey what he needs.

7. Whatever he says to you, you are to do.”

8. During bride-price negotiations, he said he would accept whatever they could afford.

9. Whatever he wills he may accomplish.

10. Whatever you think I did, I can assure you I didn't do it.

11. And he deserves whatever accolades he receives.

12. He is diligent in whatever he does.

13. Page always did whatever she set out to do.

14. 15 I can do whatever I want.

15. Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees.

16. He does whatever his master wants.

17. 16 He could laugh good - naturedly, a little smugly , at whatever was conspicuous.

18. He can pass through or not and choose whatever activity he desires or no activity.

19. Thus, Paul adapted to whatever customs he could while firmly adhering to Bible principles.

20. 18 He* crossed the ford to bring the king’s household across and to do whatever he desired.

21. Whatever is he doing with that rod?

22. 8 He has got no ballast whatever.

23. You can do whatever you want to, of course.

24. I can mate you in three whatever you do.

25. Masking his doubts with machismo, he feels he is not really a man unless he can seize whatever he wants.

26. Do whatever it is you do.

27. Whatever he's up to, he needs noise and he needs chaos.

28. 20 More exhibits would appear in due course; meantime he did whatever jobs came his way.

29. Whatever they could do, the Earth's resilience would soon heal human activities.

30. And that boy, whatever he is, is responsible.

31. He must pay whatever the nearest fishmonger charges.

32. Qinglong, do you think you can do whatever you want around here

33. Whatever the weather, he sticks out walking outdoors.

34. Whatever he was saying clearly discomfited the librarian.

35. We shall do whatever we can to extend our service.

36. Elders encourage the flock to do joyfully whatever they can

37. We'll do whatever it takes so you can stay awake.

38. 🔊 The Absoluteness of father’s word cannot be challenged, so we do whatever he says

39. He gazed at an ineffable, agonizing radiance which only he could perceive, banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered.

40. In the process, he could develop a database of whatever violations are registered from the field

41. Tiny claws help him to get whatever grip he can on the rough lava.

42. He speaks in tones which, whatever else can be said of them, are unambiguous.

43. Whatever inequality sign, so that could be an equal or whatever. 10 plus 5y.

44. Cranky is always hungry, eating anything whatever he finds

45. Whatever else he is, the man's still a knight.

46. 15 He was desirous of running no risk whatever.

47. Clark had somehow been able to coerce Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do.

48. 3 He gazed at an ineffable, agonizing radiance which only he could perceive, banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered.

49. I can do whatever I want in your turf, Nine Dragon.

50. I thought he was trying to blackmail me into saying whatever he wanted.

51. Whatever you do, don't make waves.

52. 18 He can also maintain quality ( whatever that is ), exclude malware, and beat off rivals.

53. Whatever you can give me.

54. Whatever Mike took, he was always sure to give Back.

55. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs.

56. 5 Whatever she did, it made no difference.

57. You can plant your flowers, you can do your crochet, play the fiddle, whatever.

58. He complained to Joe that whatever he was giving him caused dizziness and vomiting.

59. Whatever your mind can Conceive

60. He was determined to hold on this job whatever difficulties he might run into.

61. Whatever you do, do not pull off this cap.

62. 16 I will do whatever you wish.

63. I'll try to do whatever is right.

64. Colonel, do whatever you think is necessary.

65. 11 Whatever you do, try your best.

66. Um... whatever you guys want to do, I'll do.

67. 23 Whatever you do, try your best.

68. To roust the Lieutenant from whatever corner he was sleeping in.

69. He has been vested with the power/authority to implement whatever changes he sees fit.

70. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap”!

71. Well, whatever you did, the alignment error is gone.

72. Take whatever treasure you can find.

73. Just do whatever you're gonna do, you bunch of degenerates!

74. Whatever I do, I will do in my power. 

75. Do whatever it is you think is right.

76. Do whatever you want - it won't affect me.

77. 🔊 Because of his Absoluteness during his rule, the dictator was free to do whatever he pleased without limitation

78. Whatever you do, don't cower, stammer or apologize.

79. Whatever you do, don't pull my toupee off.

80. 12 I'll try to do whatever is right.